
She was referred to as "The nurse of America". From the fighting at Gettysburg to the capture of state capital, this young Quaker nurse worked inexhaustibly to alleviate the suffering of troopers. She was one among the nice heroines of the Union. Cornelia John Hancock served in field and evacuating hospitals, in an exceedingly contraband camp, and (defying authority) on the field of battle. Her letters to members of the family ar humourous, tough-minded, and jam-packed with anger concerning the neglect of wounded troopers and black refugees


"The nurse of America," Captain Charles Defense known as Cornelia American Revolutionary leader as he wrote to his mother of the ministrant care he received once taken seriously unwell throughout the war at town purpose Hospital. This was before the times of NGO with its roll of noncommissioned trained nurses prepared for war or disaster, with first-aid kits, hospital provides, and a system that has stood the check of the many experiences. In 1863, nurses were volunteers, with ingenuity and pressure inevitably their solely lecturers. it absolutely was as assistant to her sister's husband, Dr. Henry T. Child, of City of Brotherly Love, that Cornelia American Revolutionary leader reached the field once Gettysburg, and once more once the Battle of the geographical area, however the place she created for herself with the military doctors and together with her grateful soldier patients ensured to her, in spite of her youth, continuous service in an exceedingly Second Corps Hospital till Richmond was taken. These letters--to her mother reception, to her sister in City of Brotherly Love, to her brother, and to young nieces and nephews--cover the 2 years of her volunteer service as nurse.

Hancock's Bridge, her birthplace, was a far off little village four miles on the far side Salem, in southern New Jersey. Once it had been the scene of stirring events in Revolutionary days, and 100 years before that Cornelia's ancestors were pioneer settlers from England, returning to the current country simply once Friend. Service as colonial legislators and judges, martyrdom within the Revolutionary War, and a durable half within the development of a replacement nation were in her blood, however within the quiet country transverse flute that smug her father, chance for her as a lady was confined to teaching within the village faculty, or wedding. She longed to be within the interior of things herself once her solely brother and her cousins visited the War against the South in...